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#1836: 8 Reales 1680, Nuevo
Reino. 25.927 grams / gramos.

quartered shield with arms
of Castile and Leon in correct order. Pomegranate at bottom of shield. Value
VIII reading upward to left of the shield. Reverse: Pillars with waves. Assayer
Not listed in R/L or L/R, C&T Type 75, number 348a. |
translation |
Pedro Garcia de
Villanueva was
assayer at Santa Fé from 1678 to December 30, 1686, and was
appointed assayer again on June 23, 1687 and then held office until
December 17, 1691. Barriga Volume I, pp. 93-94, 124-5.
#1836 is the only 8 reales of 1680 known for this
assayer. As far as we know, there are only two dates of
Garcia 8 reales known, the 1680 here and 1690 dated pieces first
published in 1878 in the Adolph Weyl sale of the Fonfrobert
collection. An image of a 1690 piece is reproduced below
from Dr. Restrepo's Macuquina book for
comparison purposes, it is the Fonrobert piece.

Used with permission of Dr. Restrepo
Citations for
the 1690 Fonrobert specimen:
Weyl, Adolph. 1878.
"Die Jule Fonrobert'sche Sammlung überseeischer Münzen und
Medaillen". Amerika. II Abtheilung: Central-Amerika. a)
Mexiko. Berlin: J.A. Stargardt. lot number 7369. Original
Y Ramóm, Manuel Vidal, 1892. "Catálogo de la
Colección de Monedas y Medallas de Manuel Vidal Quadras y
Ramón" Volume II, Barcelona: A. López Robert, Impresor.
Lot number 9340, illustrated on plate 54a.
Adolfo. 1914. El Duro. Madrid: J. Lacoste. 2 tomos. reimpreso
1992 Juan R. Cayón. Madrid: Imp. Fareso S.A. tomos I y II conjuntos. Lot
number 793 illustrated on plate XVIII number 5. References Weyl
volume II number 757.
Calicó, F. Xavier. 1953. Aportación a la
Historia Monetaria de Santa Fe de Bogotá (Colombia). Barcelona:
Xavier and Ferrán Calicó. Not illustrated but recorded on p. 33 with
endnote reference to Quadras y Ramón number 9340. Calico lists
the assayer "PO".
Burzio, Humberto F. 1958. Diccionario de la
Moneda Hispanoamericana, 3 tomos. Santiago de Chile: Fondo
Histórico y Bibliográfico José Toribio Medina. Volume II, p. 318, not
illustrated. References 1690 assayer P.O. to Weyl p. 757 number
7369; Herrera p. 236; Quadras y Ramón vol. II p. 425; Calico p.
33; Jose Toribio Medina "Las Monedas Coloniales Hispano-Americanas"
Santiago de Chile 1919 page 259; JW Scott p. 63.
Yriarte, José de, y López-Chavez, Leopoldo.
1965 Catálogo de los Reales de a Ocho Españoles. Madrid:
Editorial Iber-Amer, S.A. A 1690 is listed on p. 188 as assayer PoRS, must
be referring to the Fonrobert specimen but citation is poor. No
Calbetó de
Grau, Gabriel. 1970. Compendio de las Piezas de Ocho Reales. 2
volumes/tomos. San Juan, Puerto Rico: Ediciones Juan Ponce de Leon. Cited
in (Volume II), page 388 number 1363. Illustrated with the Weyl
image. Also references Tomas Dasí "Compendio de los Reales
de a Ocho" number 541.
Guttag Sale 1929 - I don't have a copy, but may be included (not
under Colombia).
translation. | |