
Potosi Shield

Potosi 8 reales
Shield Type

Potosí 8 reales
Estilo de Escudo

Potosí 8R (1618-1621) ensayador T Cayón 13-diciembre-2001 lote 3031
Image ©Cayón Auctions, used with permission

In the early part of the 17th century, Potosi was the most prolific of the American mints.  Thousands of such coins were recovered from the 1622 shipwreck of the Atocha.  The famous Potosi mint scandal put an end to this design for new world mints, except Mexico, whose design was distinctively different and whose integrity was not called into question.

En la parte temprana del siglo XVII, Potosí era la mas prolífica de las cecas hispanoamericas. Millares de esas monedas se recuperaron del 1622 naufragio de La Nuestra Señora de Atocha. El famoso escándalo de la ceca de Potosí terminó este diseño para las cecas del nuevo mundo, menos Méjico, cuyo diseña era distintivamente diferente y cuya integridad no se puso en cuestión.

copyright 2003